
How People are Affected by Web Accessibility: Dyslexia

Do you now how people with Dyslexia may be affected when they try to visit your website? Learm more about what you can do and the benefits of making your website more accessibility friendly.

11 Free Accessibility Compliance Tools 

11 free tools for A11y. We’ve put together a list of tools that will do everything from testing to fixing, and they won’t cost you anything out of pocket. Check it out.

5 Most Common Accessibility Mistakes on Websites

If your website isn’t ADA compliant, chances are your making one of these top 5 mistakes. See our breakdown of the most common issues we find on almost every site we test.

Make a Commitment Today

Get started on your path to accessibility compliance or even if you’ve started down the path but need some additional support, our team of experts is ready to help you.